10/02/2024 | Universität Hohenheim | News

Prof. Dr. Stephan Dabbert has passed away: University of Hohenheim shocked by the death of its President

He was instrumental in shaping the University of Hohenheim and setting it on the road to success. Prof. Dr. Stephan Dabbert was voted the most popular university president in Baden-Württemberg seven times, and was even voted the most popular university president in Germany in 2016. In him, the University of Hohenheim has not only lost a levelheaded leader who worked to integrate different perspectives, but also a special individual who was always prepared to give everything for "his" University of Hohenheim. After suffering from a serious illness, in September President Dabbert entrusted the President’s Office team with taking over his official tasks with immediate effect and until further notice. He also requested that the election process for his successor be initiated.
