For founders

Since its foundation, the BioRegio STERN Management GmbH team has supported the establishment of 80 companies (as of 2023), which have created over 3,000 jobs. 

We offer the following services for founders:

Start-up news from the STERN BioRegion


ICE-Ts with exceptional capabilities

StartUp Stories: (Stuttgart/Reutlingen) – immuneAdvice is a biotechnology start-up in Reutlingen that was set up in 2024 by four young scientists, supported by three experienced advisors, at the NMI Natural and Medical Sciences Institute at the University of Tübingen. The company’s mission is to dev...

A perfectly timed brainwave

(Stuttgart/Tübingen) – Psychiatrist Dr. Brigitte Zrenner and neurologist Dr. Christoph Zrenner have found a way to personalise transcranial magnetic stimulation for patients and boost its effectiveness. This technology, which has been in use for decades, utilises strong magnetic fields to stimulate ...

An idea that gets under your skin

(Stuttgart/Tübingen) – Dr. V. Andrey Giménez Rivera founded IntegraSkin GmbH to solve a problem that affects him and at least three-quarters of a billion other people – chronic inflammatory skin conditions (CISC). He is determined to revolutionise dermatological diagnostics by enabling the targeted ...

Turning dreams into companies

(Stuttgart) – This is the 15th time the Science2Start ideas competition has been held. It celebrates the ideas of scientists and start-ups in the STERN BioRegion that are judged to have particular economic potential by a panel of experts. Taking part is well worthwhile – since 2009, over 150 ideas h...

Events for founders

Your contact

Rahel Bleis, M.Sc.

Technology Transfer Management
+49-159 044 252 71
Technology Transfer Management
Rahel Bleis, M.Sc.

"I completed my Bachelor's degree in Molecular Biology at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz. In my Bachelor's thesis, I dealt with topics from molecular developmental genetics. For my subsequent Master of Science in Technical Biology, I moved to the University of Stuttgart. Parallel to my Master's degree, I gained my first professional experience at the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA), where I worked on the development of equipment for a new cell isolation method. After my master's thesis in this working group, I joined BioRegio STERN as a technology transfer manager in December 2023. Here I support the transfer of ideas and help as a contact person for questions in the field of life sciences. I would also like to improve networking between companies from different areas and supervise the Science2Start ideas competition."