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EHAB Mission

EHAB’s mission is to identify regional strengths, weaknesses, gaps and needs in a consolidated transregional Advanced Therapies and Biomaterials (AT&B) value chain and to elaborate a joint action plan to strengthen the performance and capacity of the innovation ecosystems of e.g. SME’s innovation stakeholders and their efficient interconnections ant their alignment towards EU-level priorities, jointly tackling challenges at EU, national, regional, and local level together with all the quadruple helix stakeholders.

Participants EHAB

  • Brabant Development Agency (BOM), The Netherlands)
  • Brightlands Biomedical Ecosystem represented by Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus, The Netherlands
  • FlandersBio, Belgium
  • BioRegio STERN, Germany
  • A4tec-association (A4TEC), Portugal
  • BIOCAT, Spain
  • Resarch Institutes of Sweden AB (RISE), Sweden
  • MedSilesia, Gornslaski Akcelerator Przedsiebiorczosci Rynkowej sp z o.o. (GAPR), Poland

EHAB is endorsed by several regional and European level organisations, including : the Province of North-Brabant, the Province of Limburg, the RegMed XB consortium, the department of Economy, Science and Innovation of the Flemish Government, the Smart Health Pilot of the Vanguard Initiative, the Health Department from the Generalitat de Catalunya, Leitat, ASEBIO, the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology, the Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung (Fraunhofer IPA), and the Marshall Office of the Silesia Voivodeship.



Smart Biomaterials Consortium (SBMC) Hosts Pioneering EHAB Event to Advance Regenerative Medicine and Biomaterials in Europe

Eindhoven January 18 – In a significant step towards fostering European collaboration in biomaterials and regenerative medicine, Smart Biomaterials Consortium (SBMC) host...


Dr. Margot Jehle

Project Leader
+49-173 180 892 4
Project Leader
Dr. Margot Jehle

"I studied classical chemistry, completed additional internships at the Institute of Biochemistry in Würzburg and was thus able to complete my diploma and PhD thesis in this field of chemistry. Based on my experiences that I could gather as a researcher at immatics biotechnologies GmbH in Germany and abroad, I can easily identify suitable partners from companies or institutions in an international context in order to initiate potential collaborations. Since 2011, I have been involved in various EU projects at BioRegio STERN Management GmbH and am now responsible as a project manager for the Interreg NWE project Boost4Health, launched in April 2016, to support and promote the economic development of regional and transnational SMEs. Through my numerous contacts with other European networks, I am also the initiator and contact for further diverse cooperation in neighboring European countries."

Dr. Klara Altintoprak

Project Management
+49-172 591 129 9
Project Management
Dr. Klara Altintoprak

“Throughout my time as a doctoral student and post-doctoral researcher, it was always the interface between basic and applied research in the field of conventional biotechnology and molecular biology that fascinated me most. For instance, my doctoral work dealt with plant viruses that were integrated into hybrid materials as innovative self-assembling nanodevices. For the project planning and implementation of this, I worked in an interdisciplinary team of chemists and physicists. My post-doctorate work also focussed on cooperation with various regional and international partners. In addition, I continued training in the GMP-regulated environment, which means I have an excellent grasp of the standard guidelines and tools involved in quality and project management. I started working at BioRegio STERN Management GmbH as a project manager in October 2018, where I assist the team in implementing EU development projects. What I find particularly interesting in this context is the EU-wide networking of SMEs from the life sciences sector and the development of new technologies.”

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission as the granting authority. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.