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Want to be the first to receive our press releases, latest news, event announcements and/or work vacancy adverts? Keep up with your favourite sites by subscribing to our RSS newsfeeds (RSS news). Updated news will then be delivered to your desktop immediately and automatically, even if you’re not on our homepage.
How is an RSS feed?
RSS stands for »really simple syndication«. It is platform-independent and based on a standardized XML file format which was developed to spread information and web contents quickly and easily. RSS newsfeeds will automatically keep you up-to-date on your favourite websites without the need to visit these manually.
Advantages of RSS
RSS is a major time-saver. Updates from several websites can be checked quickly and effectively.
Our RSS service keeps you up-to-date with information on the STERN BioRegion. Choose between press releases, news from the BioRegion and our online job service.
How to proceed
Before signing up, you will need a programme called Feed Reader or Newsreader which checks your chosen sites for updates and collects the XML data for you to read. A list of RSS Readers can be found on citing several programmes for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
How can I subscribe tor BioRegio STERN RSS newsfeeds
Sign up for an RSS newsfeed by copying the following link and pasting it into your RSS reader.