Three new recruits for the project management team
Lennart Biermann
/ Copyright: Körner/ BioRegio STERN Management GmbHLennart Biermann took up his position as international project manager with BioRegio
STERN Management GmbH at the start of the year. He will primarily deal with the two
new EU projects STEP4NAMs and NAMWISE. Since both projects involve preventing
the need for animal testing, they fit in well with Biermann’s previous research focus.
“You don’t always need animals for research or development of products in the
medical, food or pharmaceutical industries,” Biermann is convinced. In his doctorate,
he focused on micro-organisms and biotechnological procedures for manufacturing
proteins similar to animal proteins as an alternative to animal products. Even while
studying for his Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Biotechnology and his
Master of Science in Food Biotechnology, he laid the foundations for this
specialisation and deepened his knowledge of microbial and biotechnological
processes. What excites him most about his new post as international project
manager is the chance to bring the research community and the business world
together and promote this across Europe.
Alexander Kempf
/ Copyright: Körner/ BioRegio STERN Management GmbHAlexander Kempf, 31, who also joined BioRegio STERN Management GmbH at the
start of 2025, will initially work as a project manager supporting the work of the
STEP4NAMs EU project and AIM (Access for Innovation in Medical technology). This
new industry-in-clinic platform is designed to help organise collaboration between
hospitals/users and medical technology companies. For Kempf, this is a thrilling
challenge. “The close interlinking of theory and practice and real needs in the world –
this is precisely what really excites me about my new job after years of working in
research,” he says. After completing a Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology
and a Master of Science in Biomedical Technology, he initially worked for a number of
life science companies. When he came across the BioRegio STERN Management
GmbH job advertisement, he was immediately impressed: “In the projects here, I get
to experience how engineers, biologists, physicists and medical doctors work
together. Nobody understands everything, but by working together, they find out
things they wouldn’t have discovered alone.”
Olivia Magosch
/ Copyright: Körner/ BioRegio STERN Management GmbHOlivia Magosch, 28, joined BioRegio STERN Management GmbH as a project
manager at the beginning of February. She did her bachelor’s in Food Science and
Biotechnology and master’s in Food Biotechnology in Hohenheim, and then initially
specialised in the field of bioprocess engineering. “I loved working in a laboratory,
especially when it involved implementing processes on a large scale,” Magosch
explains. For example, she researched biosurfactants that are to replace crude-oilbased
detergents in the future. “However, I also discovered that I wanted to consider
biotechnology from a different, less specialised angle.” The job advertisement posted
by her new employer fit the bill perfectly. “Even while I was studying, I knew who
BioRegio STERN Management GmbH was. If you are active in this sector, it’s
impossible not to have come across it.” In future, she will support projects including
NAMWISE and STEP4NAMs. She will also help with the international RehAllianCE
project, which is designed to support innovations in the field of new technologies for
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Further information
Press contact:
BioRegio STERN Management GmbH
Dr. Klaus Eichenberg
Friedrichstrasse 10
70174 Stuttgart
+49 711-870354-0
Editorial department:
Zeeb Kommunikation GmbH
Anja Pätzold
Alexanderstrasse 81
70182 Stuttgart
+49 711-6070719
BioRegio STERN Management GmbH