05/03/2018 | Press

High-tech enables nursing staff to spend more time with people

Efficiency in the care sector - new EU ILDA-care project in the STERN BioRegion

On Thursday, BioRegio STERN Management GmbH was presented in Tübingen with the official funding decision for ILDA-care by Michael Kleiner, Ministerial Director from Baden-Württemberg′s State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing. ILDA-care stands for ‟Intelligent Logistics, Digitalisation and Automated Workflows for the Homecare and Nursing homes sector‟ and aims to improve efficiency in the care sector. The project has been running since February 2018 and has a total budget of almost EUR 210,000 from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). In the project, BioRegio STERN Management GmbH is collaborating with the Danish cluster Welfare Tech.

Numerous small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from the STERN BioRegion and Denmark and a number of large companies are involved in the funded ILDA-care project to improve efficiency in the care sector. Together, they′re taking up the challenge of improving specialist care for the rapidly growing numbers of older people and those in need of care at nursing facilities or in their own homes. Solutions are sought that allow care staff to focus on personal support for people instead of using up their scarce resources on time-consuming formal work processes. The aim of the EU ILDA-care project is thus to develop a new value chain that factors in intelligent logistics, digitalisation and automation for this sector.

‟ILDA-care is confronting the major challenges thrown up by the growing age pyramid in our society – the lack of nursing staff and the resulting shortage of time available,‟ explains BioRegio STERN project manager Dr. Margot Jehle. ‟Our experience in linking life science sectors with areas such as medical technology and automation and international cooperation will certainly help find a solution.‟

‟SMEs in particular, including in areas such as the care sector, should look towards international pioneers and incorporate their knowledge and experience in their own business policy,‟ explained Michael Kleiner, Ministerial Director from Baden-Württemberg′s State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing, at the presentation of the funding decision in Tübingen.

Regional SMEs from Baden-Württemberg are to benefit from the project and the collaboration with the Danish cluster Welfare Tech, as the care systems in Scandinavian countries are regarded as exemplary. The first delegation trip to Denmark for entrepreneurs is taking place in June. A delegation trip for Danish entrepreneurs to the STERN BioRegion is planned for September 2018.
Companies can register for both trips to share knowledge and experience in direct dialogue with specialists from Denmark and make international contacts. May 2018 also sees the launch of an initial survey of companies in the STERN BioRegion to identify their specific know-how in the health and care sectors.

ILDA-care has been given a total budget of just under EUR 210,000 by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Half of this funding is available for BioRegio STERN Management GmbH for the one-and-a-half year project runtime.

About Welfare Tech
Welfare Tech is a Danish national cluster and hub for innovation and business development in healthcare, homecare and social services. It is a membership organisation with members from private industry, public organisations, and research and education institutions. Welfare Tech has a broad knowledge about the Danish market through its members and operates as a national entry point for international companies who want to enter the Danish market.

The project is funded by:


Dr. Margot Jehle

Project Leader
+49-173 180 892 4
Project Leader
Dr. Margot Jehle

"I studied classical chemistry, completed additional internships at the Institute of Biochemistry in Würzburg and was thus able to complete my diploma and PhD thesis in this field of chemistry. Based on my experiences that I could gather as a researcher at immatics biotechnologies GmbH in Germany and abroad, I can easily identify suitable partners from companies or institutions in an international context in order to initiate potential collaborations. Since 2011, I have been involved in various EU projects at BioRegio STERN Management GmbH and am now responsible as a project manager for the Interreg NWE project Boost4Health, launched in April 2016, to support and promote the economic development of regional and transnational SMEs. Through my numerous contacts with other European networks, I am also the initiator and contact for further diverse cooperation in neighboring European countries."