Biologisation of medical technology – partner companies wanted
The Central Innovation Programme for SMEs (ZIM) of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) is now supporting the new “BioHyMed” project as a ZIM cooperation network. For at least a year, BioRegio STERN Management GmbH will now receive a total of 116,000 euros to establish a network for developing biohybrid products and processes. Together with universities, clinics and scientific institutions in the region and six SMEs as project partners, this will drive forward the biologisation of medical technology. More companies are welcome to join the network as project partners. They will receive targeted support to enable them to also submit promising applications for research and development to ZIM if required.
The participants in the new BioHyMed network are engaged in research and development in one of the most ground-breaking fields of the health care industry – the biologisation of medical technology. The combination of biological and technical products or processes – called biohybrids – will in future be commonplace in operating theatres. These include implants that either replace damaged cells, tissue or organs or stimulate the healing process – regeneration rather than replacement. The real challenges for medical technology are also the new procedures for integrating biological processes, mechanical instruments and high-tech electronics. Another aim of the BioHyMed project is to develop new methods and materials for coating and “activating” surfaces using biological components. Coatings using tailored biomolecules or the body's own cells promise better healing and fewer rejection reactions.
In-vitro diagnostics is another area covered by the project. This includes innovative analysis systems to identify hospital germs quickly and reliably on site, for example, but also companion diagnostics and biomarker identification procedures i.e. genetic investigations for planning customised therapy. For Project Manager Dr. Verena Grimm from BioRegio STERN Management GmbH, patient benefits are the project’s top priority. “Linking biotechnology and medical technology opens up entirely new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.”
The Verein zur Förderung der Biotechnologie und Medizintechnik e.V. was the original initiator of the project, and the successful application to ZIM was then submitted by BioRegio STERN Management GmbH. The Verein is an associated partner and will provide an advisory council to undertake expert assessments of funding applications from new project partners. TETEC GmbH, the NMI Natural and Medical Sciences Institute, Medical Valley Hechingen Akademie e.V. and the urology clinic and Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at Eberhard Karls University Tübingen are also associated partners.
The BioHyMed project will initially receive a total of 116,000 euros over one year from ZIM and will launch on April 1 with these six SMEs from BioRegio STERN:
HB Technologies GmbH, Tübingen BioTeSys GmbH, Esslingen CeGaT GmbH, Tübingen Computomics GmbH, Tübingen Mediagnost GmbH, Reutlingen PolyMedics Innovations GmbH, DenkendorfHowever, more SMEs are welcome. “We offer interested companies the uncomplicated opportunity to also become project partners,” explains Dr. Grimm. “A consortium of several partners can even submit project applications to ZIM with a value of up to two million euros.”
Interested companies can apply now to Dr. Verena Grimm:
grimm [at], Tel: +49 (0)711-870354-27
The participants of the BioHyMed Kick-off-Meeting th the NMI in Reutlingen on 3rd April 2017 (f.l.t.r.): Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Aicher, Zentrum für Medizinische Forschung, Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen, Dr. Jiri Ködding, CeGaT GmbH, Dr. Yasmin Singh, CeGaT GmbH, Christian Dreischer, Computomics GmbH, Dr. Karin Benz, TETEC AG, Prof. Dr. Hugo Hämmerle, Naturwissenschaftliches und Medizinisches Institut Reutlingen, Dr. Steffen Hüttner, HB Technologies GmbH, Dr. Angelika Haage, Mediagnost GmbH, Dr. Klaus Eichenberg, BioRegio Stern Management GmbH, Dr. Andrea Normann, Mediagnost GmbH, Prof. Dr. Konrad Kohler, Zentrum für Regenerationsbiologie und Regenerative Medizin ZRM, Dr. Jürgen Bernhardt, BioTeSys GmbH, Hans Marquart, Medical Valley Hechingen, Dr. Verena Grimm, BioRegio Stern Management GmbH, Prof. Dr. Heinrich Planck, Polymedics Innovations GmbH.
/ Photo: BioRegio STERN/ Anne Faden.