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BioMan4R2 in detail

The first phase of the BioMan4R2 project focused on preparing and building Eurocluster excellence to meet the critical needs of the BMT sector. The project has three main tasks:

  • Identify resilience needs of the BMT sector.
  • Make stakeholders and service providers visible.
  • Establish an SME support program.

The BioMan4R2 Eurocluster consists of a comprehensive transnational network covering the entire value chain of the BMT sector. SMEs can contact the project partners to get in touch with potential cooperation partners.

Find out more about BioMan4R2's goals and achievements in the video

Your contact person

Dr. Margot Jehle

Project Leader
+49-173 180 892 4
Project Leader
Dr. Margot Jehle

"I studied classical chemistry, completed additional internships at the Institute of Biochemistry in Würzburg and was thus able to complete my diploma and PhD thesis in this field of chemistry. Based on my experiences that I could gather as a researcher at immatics biotechnologies GmbH in Germany and abroad, I can easily identify suitable partners from companies or institutions in an international context in order to initiate potential collaborations. Since 2011, I have been involved in various EU projects at BioRegio STERN Management GmbH and am now responsible as a project manager for the Interreg NWE project Boost4Health, launched in April 2016, to support and promote the economic development of regional and transnational SMEs. Through my numerous contacts with other European networks, I am also the initiator and contact for further diverse cooperation in neighboring European countries."

Dr. Klara Altintoprak

Project Management
+49-172 591 129 9
Project Management
Dr. Klara Altintoprak

“Throughout my time as a doctoral student and post-doctoral researcher, it was always the interface between basic and applied research in the field of conventional biotechnology and molecular biology that fascinated me most. For instance, my doctoral work dealt with plant viruses that were integrated into hybrid materials as innovative self-assembling nanodevices. For the project planning and implementation of this, I worked in an interdisciplinary team of chemists and physicists. My post-doctorate work also focussed on cooperation with various regional and international partners. In addition, I continued training in the GMP-regulated environment, which means I have an excellent grasp of the standard guidelines and tools involved in quality and project management. I started working at BioRegio STERN Management GmbH as a project manager in October 2018, where I assist the team in implementing EU development projects. What I find particularly interesting in this context is the EU-wide networking of SMEs from the life sciences sector and the development of new technologies.”

[DE Copy]

Projektpartner sind:

  • Turku Science Park Oy Ab (FI, Leadpartner)
  • Bioregio STERN (DE)
  • LifetecZONe (NL)
  • Upper Silesian Accelerator for Commercial Enterprises Ltd (PL)
  • Medicen Paris Region (FR)
  • Council of European Bioregions (BE)
  • Biocat (CAT)

BioMan4R2 SME Support Program & Call Results
In diesem Dokument finden Sie das BioMan4R2-Supportprogramm und die Ergebnisse.

Weitere Informationen
Besuchen Sie das BioMan4R2-Projekt auf der European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP), um aktuelle Informationen zu den Aktivitäten zu erhalten.



Resilience for the health ecosystem

(Stuttgart) – Some 118 companies from all over Europe have submitted tenders for the BioMan4R2 project since April 2023. An international panel has now selected 26 small and medium-sized enterprises from the areas of biotechnology and medical technology, and four of these winners are from STERN BioR...

Stakeholder mapping for the SME funding program - BioMan4R2 Eurocluster at a glance

The aim of the second phase is to increase the resilience, sustainability and competitiveness of SMEs in the biomanufacturing and medical technology sectors through the support program. The objectives of this second phase are:

  • Establish new cooperation models between European biomanufacturing cluster organizations and other key stakeholders in the pharmaceutical/biomedical and medical device sectors.
  • Facilitate the signing of cooperation agreements between European institutions and institutions in third countries.
  • To facilitate the implementation and adoption of innovation in business processes and contribute to green and digital transformation.
  • To improve the cluster management capabilities of the consortium to provide better services and attract more talents to BMT.
  • Improve and transform BMT products in a way that reduces dependency on current value chains and introduce new innovative products.

SMEs benefit from the opportunities offered by BioMan4R2 - financial support to promote resilience, sustainability and competitiveness

With the financial support of a maximum of €60,000, SMEs can tackle a wide range of challenges that are usually not supported by standard funding programs or investors. These can include training plans, support for travel to explore markets outside the EU, MDR implementation, business continuity and resilience plans.

The winners were announced on July 18, 2023.


BioMan4R2-winners are:

Innovation financial support (IFS)

IFS winners country Project Title Category Co-Partner (country)
*Robeauté FR Microrobots for neurosurgery - revolutionising access to complex areas of the central nervous system Neurology FEMTIKA (LT)
*Plantibodies FR Plant-Based Oral Immunotherapy for Gastrointestinal Diseases: A Resilient Bioproduction Approach Gastroenterology Prodigest (BE)
InSpek SAS
FR On-chip Raman spectroscopy sensors to monitor in-line and in real time the bioproduction Bioproduction URD ABI
AgroParisTech (FR)
Antleron NV BE 3D-printing and beta-testing of customised 3D fixed bed (3D-FB) cell culture disposables Manufacturing process Leuven Viral
Vector Core
*Fibrothelium GmbH DE Biosynthetic protein production in plants for bioabsorbable implants Bioproduction Aachen-Maastricht
Institute for Biobased Materials (NL)

FR New modular device to support other companies to create and test complex in vitro models for preclinical research purposes Validation process Healshape (FR)
UCBL labs (FR)
MindAhead UG
DE Validation of digital therapy tool for improving brain health Neurology Medical Innovations
Incubator GmbH (DE)
*ALTA sp. z o.o. PL Validation of a new psychological memory test Neurology Prometriks Ltd (BG)
*MIRA Vision Microscopy GmbH DE Scaling up AI-assisted image analysis for microscopy Imaging Jaydevs LLC (LT)
Time is Brain SL ES Validation real-time brain monitoring tools of
stroke patients
Neurology University Hospital La
Princesa (ES)
University Hospital Sant Pau (ES)
University Hospital Arnau de Vilanova (ES)
MAGIC GENOMIX FR Revolutionizing cancer treatment by developing a theragnostic solution, relevant in multiple cancer types Oncology ValoTec (FR)
*PolyAn GmbH DE Filling the gap: Automated production line for glass slides with reactive surface functionalization Imaging Eccom OÜ (EE)
Herbert Stamm KG (DE)
*IntegraSkin GmbH DE Overcoming regulatory, economic, and market entry barriers for diagnostic device providing effective treatment plans for chronic skin conditions Dermatology Medical Innovations Incubator GmbH (DE)
Charité IFA (DE)
Bestseller Verlag GmbH
*Basic Pharma NL Reducing pharmaceutical development time and costs and increase the change of success by setting up a European joint supply chain for the GMP production of biologicals
ARTES Biotechnology
GmbH (DE)
*Care4living Oy FI Validation of cost-effective fermentation and purification process for a cytotoxic small molecule drug Manufacturing
University of Turku (FI)
*EVOMEDIS GmbH AT EVOCornea – validation of a cell-based therapy for the treatment of corneal defects Ophthalmology University Clinic
Düsseldorf (DE)

*Cross-border cooperation


Business transformation financial support (BTFS)

BTFS winners country Project Title category Co-Partner (country)
SITEC pharmabio ES Business Continuity Plan to aligned with the regulatory requirements of Pharma and Nutra sectors Business legal
/financial analysis
*Zeisberg GmbH DE Market Entry beyond Europe of a new video oculography system Go International AHK Kanada (CA)
Emergo by UL (USA)
*Egerton sp. z o.o. PL Transitioning to MDR for class I medical devices, including gap analysis, clinical evaluation, and EMC testing Train your worker-
Go Greener/Digital
novineon CRO (DE)
ELZAB Laboratory (PL)
Manitty FR Developing a headband in line with European regulations in terms of RGPD, CE marking and MDR Business legal
/financial analysis
JAFRAL d.o.o.
SI Creating a specialized digital module for managing service providers to comply with GMP standards Train your worker-
Go Greener/Digital
Miran Janežič s.p. (SI)
*Breaz Medical SL ES Creating clinical evaluation plan under the provisions of the MDR for a lung disease diagnostic device Business legal
/financial analysis
novineon CRO GmbH (DE)
Earlab GmbH DE Implementation of the QMS and the commencement of compliant development of a medical device for hearing assessment Business legal
/financial analysis
Medical Innovations
Incubator GmbH (DE)
Egerton sp. z o.o. PL Legal, market, and resilience analysis to outline the regulatory landscape, market dynamics, and potential obstacles for a system for digitizing nursing rounds Business legal
/financial analysis
Scheelite Sp. z o.o. (PL)
*Gate2Brain S.L. ES Strategic roadmap of Market Access to achieve the inclusion of a drug candidate to treat pediatric cancer patients in different Early Access Programs in the EU Business legal
/financial analysis
AliraHealth SAS (FR)
Market Access analysis to gain a comprehensive understanding of the four key European markets and the UK for melanoma treatment. Go International Alira Health SLU (ES)

*Cross-border cooperation

Project members are:

  •  Turku Science Park Oy Ab (FI, leaders)
  • Bioregio STERN (DE)
  • LifetecZONe (NL)
  • Upper Silesian Accelerator for Commercial Enterprises Ltd (PL)
  • Medicen Paris Region (FR)
  • Council of European Bioregions (BE)
  • Biocat (CAT)

BioMan4R2 SME Support Program & Call Results
In this document you will find the BioMan4R2 support program and the results.

Further information
Visit the BioMan4R2 project on the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) for up-to-date information on activities.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EISMEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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