10/27/2023 | HealthTech For Care | News

Highlights of the 5th edition of HTID®, organized by HealthTech For Care, with key players from the European HealthTech ecosystem to support innovation in healthcare for all patients.

The HealthTech Innovation Days (HTID®) brought together 750 participants on October 24 and 25, and remotely on October 27, including researchers, public players, industry leaders, patients’ associations, patients, investors and entrepreneurs in Paris. French and European government institutions once again strongly supported the event.

Paris, October 27, 2023 - The 5th edition of the HealthTech Innovation Days (HTID®), organized by HealthTech For Care (HTFC) and chaired by Maryvonne Hiance, brought together key players in European healthcare innovation over a period of 2 days, to accelerate the development and market access of new products and treatments for patients. Some 2 000 in-person and virtual meetings took place this year, reflecting growing interest in the event. The event brought together 174 European
health technology companies, 15 pharmaceutical and industrial companies and over 250 international investors, featuring 60 international experts, who conducted 13 roundtable discussions, and 3 keynotes.

For the 5th consecutive year, HTID® benefited from the High Patronage of Emmanuel Macron, President of France, and support from the French public sector, with the participation of Olivier Becht, Deputy to the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs. The event was also supported by representatives from European institutions, including Dana Burduja and Cristina Niculescu from the European Investment Bank, Olga Solomon, Acting Director DPT, Medical Products and Innovation, DG Santé-European commission, Olivier Gérard, Head of Unit, Medical Counter-Measures, European Commission, Iordanis Arzimanoglou, Enric Claverol-Tinturé from the European Innovation Council and Alain Godard, Chairman and Managing Director, European Fund for Digital Sovereignty, the "European Tech Champions Initiative".

In addition, HTFC co-organized an HTID® launch event at The Ministery of Economy and Finance at Bercy, including Roland Lescure, Deputy Minister for Industry, and Olivier Becht. The event brought together some hundred French and foreign players in healthcare innovation, including HTFC’s sponsors, focusing in particular on two key aspects of healthcare innovation: talent and financing.

"For the past five years, HTID® has proven its value for the European healthcare ecosystem, enabling companies to bring innovations to market for the benefit of patients. Europe has a real need to work together to become a truly global force in healthcare, and HTID® has succeeded in establishing itself as Europe's benchmark event for European healthcare. We would once again like to thank our sponsors, our collaborators and our Board, without whom this event could not have taken place", said Maryvonne Hiance, President of HTFC, the organizer of HTID®.

HealthTech For Care Innovation Award:
The HealthTech For Care Innovation Award, presented for the second time at HTID®, offered 22 HealthTech companies from 8 countries the opportunity to present their solutions to healthcare experts and investors in a pitch competition.
The winners of this second edition are:

The winner was awarded the HealthTech For Care Innovation prize, allowing them to establish privileged connections with the H’FC's sponsors, gain visibility through dedicated communication, and free access to the 6th edition of HTID®.
We would like to thank all our sponsors, without whom this event would not be possible: Agile Capital Markets, Alira Health, Amgen, BNP Paribas , Bpifrance, Bristol Myers Squibb, Cepton Strategies/Vintura, EIT Health, Euronext, Global Close Alliance, Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Icosa, Invest Securities, Ipsen, Life Sciences Acceleration Alliance, Mapi Research Trust, McDermott Will & Emery, Peak Lifecycles, Rothschild&Co, Sanofi, Servier, Sofinnova Partners

About HealthTech For Care
The HealthTech For Care endowment fund supports and promotes access to healthcare for all, and in particular to new medical technologies and medicines. The goals of the endowment fund are organized around three main areas: supporting the development of the entire healthcare ecosystem, accelerating the development of innovative therapies and medicines, and promoting better patient access to the healthcare system in France and Europe. The governance of HealthTech For Care brings together Maryvonne Hiance, Elsy Boglioli, Pierre Courteille, Marc Dechamps, Eric Falcand, Frédéric Girard, Marc Julien, Anaïs Le Corvec, Cédric Moreau, Christian Pierret and Christian Policard. HealthTech For Care is supported by its founder France Biotech and by Asebio, Atlanpole Biotherapies, BIA Association, BioAlps, Biocentury, BIO Deutschland, BioRegioStern, BioValley France, BioWin, CEBR, clubster NSL, Danish LifeScience Cluster, EuroBioMed, French Healthcare, Federchimica Assobiotec, flanders.bio, LyonBioPole, Medicen, Medtech Europe, Medvia, Swiss Biotech and Technion France.

About HealthTech Innovation Days
HealthTech Innovation Days (HTID®), initiated by France Biotech, and implemented by HealthTech For Care, provides a meeting place for all life science stakeholders to bring innovation to patients. Each year, HTID sees the participation of more than 700 people in Paris. The 5th edition took place on October 24 and 25, 2023 in Paris, and on October 27 in virtual format.

About France Biotech
France Biotech was founded in 1997 as an independent association of the country's leading innovative healthcare companies and their expert partners. As a leader in healthcare innovation working closely with public authorities in France and across Europe, France Biotech is ideally positioned to address the challenges facing the healthcare technology sector, including company financing, innovation taxation, and regulatory and market access issues. Its committees and working groups strive to identify viable solutions to create the necessary conditions for a competitive and attractive industry. France Biotech's mission is to support startups and SMEs in th healthcare technology sector in their quest for international expansion, and to give them the capacity to rapidly design and develop new innovations and make them available to patients.

Further information

Press contacts

Nathalie Donne
+33(0)6 67 67 44 97

Solène Goupy
+33(0)6 38 03 80 19
