Bioinspired cilia help understand which movement pattern generates maximal fluid flows

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, Germany, develop artificial cilia that can be programmed to move in waves. In experiments, the researchers show how the millimeter-small cilia can pump viscous liquids just as effectively as their natural counterparts. Their research helps shed light on the mystery regarding which movement pattern generates a maximal fluid flow. Published in Science Advances, their findings contribute to a better understanding of the biomechanics of real cilia, and to the development of miniature robotic pumping devices that could one day be used inside the human body.



The researchers applied a rotating external magnetic field and showed that their artificial cilia arrays performed a wave-like motion similar to natural cilia (Figure 1). They used a red-color dye and particle imaging techniques to show how the arrays pump a viscous fluid (glycerol) and transport particles efficiently thanks to the arrays’ optimally coordinated movement (Figure 2).

Further information


Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Max-Planck-Ring 4
72076 Tübingen

Heisenbergstr. 3
70569 Stuttgart

Xiaoguang Dong
Postdoctoral Researcher
Physical Intelligence

The full scientific paper can be found here: