Deadline 06/20/2023 | Announcement

The 10th call for proposals of "Bioeconomy International" (cooperation with Queensland/ Australia) is open!

The deadline for proposal submission is June 20th 2023, 1 PM CET.

This call contains only one module with co-funding for partners from Queensland/ Australia.

The Australian partners have to submit a proposal of the same content in parallel to The Queensland Government (Department of Environment and Science - DES) - contact details see below (at the bottom of the page).

The Queensland Government (through the Department of Environment and Science - DES) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Science in Germany (BMBF) have established the Queensland -German Bioeconomy Collaborative Science Program under the Joint Declaration of Intent (JDoI) for Cooperation in Bioeconomy.

The objectives of this Program are to: 

  • create and strengthen collaborative relationships between Queensland-based and German researchers to facilitate the sharing and development of complementary expertise.
  • enable Queensland-based and German researchers to undertake projects that address current and significant scientific challenges relevant to the development of a bioeconomy.
  • demonstrate the potential of the bioeconomy to contribute to reducing emissions and transitioning to a zero-carbon economy. 
  • deliver real and tangible economic, social and/or environmental outcomes for Queensland and Germany through the creation of innovative products, technologies or processes that have a practical application.
  • capitalise on the complementary comparative advantages of Queensland and Germany and build a critical mass of internationally recognised science and research.

This first bilateral call (Queensland-Germany) in bioeconomy seeks to support practical and applied collaborative science and research projects in the following target areas:  

  1. Materials:  Development or advancement of technologies for production of value-added products from sustainably sourced biomass, including but not limited to biotechnology, synthetic biology, and precision fermentation.
  2. Sustainable agriculture: Development or advancement of processes for the increased and sustainable production of agricultural products, this may include precision, smart and digital agriculture where there are clearly identifiable bioeconomy outcomes.
  3. Food (Waste): Innovations to support sustainable and resilient food systems focused on reducing or reusing wastes, to enhance, and improve circularity

Proposals of the German partners must be submitted exclusively using this online tool. Proposals submitted via E-mail, fax, paper copy will not be considered for evaluation. For detailed information concerning the Bioeconomy International program see the official German “Bekanntmachung” under “Call Documents” (left side of the screen, in German and English).

Please, use the electronic proposal template of this submission tool (also under “Call Documents”).

Further information

If you have questions concerning the application procedure, please contact

  • Dr. Veronika Jablonowski
    Tel.: +49 2461-61-5083 or
  • Dr. Christian Breuer
    Tel.: +49 2461-61-96929

    Projektträger Jülich (PtJ)
    Geschäftsbereich Biologische Innovation und Ökonomie (BIO)
    EU & International Affairs (BIO 7)
    Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
    52425 Jülich Germany 

For the partners from Queensland further information are available at

  • Science Partnerships and Development, Science Development, Science Division Department of Environment and Science,
    Tel.: +61 7 3170 5864,
