3D-printed optical lenses and sustainable bioplastic
The winners received prize money totalling 4,500 euros that was donated, as in previous years, by Voelker & Partner, a firm of lawyers, tax consultants and auditors. Dr. Gerrit Hötzel und Dr. Christian Lindemann presented the teams in Stuttgart and Tübingen with their cheques along with Dr. Klaus Eichenberg, the Managing Director of BioRegio STERN Management GmbH. “It’s a great pity we can’t give them the big ceremony our anniversary party would have provided,” declared Eichenberg. “The outstanding ideas of these scientists certainly merit such a celebration.”
The winners of the 2021 Science2Start ideas competition:
First place: 3D-printed endoscope optics
Dr. Simon Thiele and Nils Fahrbach are developing a new class of endoscopes for medical applications. The performance of conventional endoscope optics is usually limited by spherical or hemispherical lenses. Using additive manufacturing techniques, also known as 3D printing, the researchers can produce completely different shapes and designs that open the door to new functions and miniaturisation. The idea offers huge innovative potential for medical technology that the company founders would like to commercialise through their start-up, Printoptics GmbH i.G., which is based at the University of Stuttgart.
Winners of the 2021 Science2Start ideas competition: First place for 3D-printed endoscope optics Nils Fahrbach and Dr.-Ing. Simon Thiele are congratulated by Dr. Gerrit Hötzel and Dr. Christian Lindemann, both Voelker & Partner (first row, from left). Nina Zabel and Dr. Klaus Eichenberg (BioRegio STERN) congratulate the winners (second row, from left).
/ Copyright: Michael Latz/BioRegio STERNSecond place: CyaPlas – sustainable bioplastic from sunlight and CO2
Prof. Karl Forchhammer from the Interfaculty Institute of Microbiology and Infection Medicine at the University of Tübingen and Dr. Moritz Koch are researching the polymer PHB (polyhydroxybutyrate), which exhibits excellent biodegradability and processing characteristics. The polymer is obtained from cyanobacteria, also known as microalgae. By genetically modifying these bacteria, the scientists have been able to increase their intracellular PHB content to more than 80 per cent of dry cell mass. CO2, water and sunlight are almost the only other components that would be needed to produce bioplastics both efficiently and at low cost when using this process.
Winners of the 2021 Science2Start ideas competition: Second place for CyaPlas – sustainable bioplastic from sunlight and CO2 Dr. Christian Lindemann from Voelker & Partner congratulates Prof. Karl Forchhammer. Nina Zabel and Dr. Klaus Eichenberg, both BioRegio STERN, present the award (from left).
/ Copyright: Michael Latz/BioRegio STERNThird place: Cytolytics – automated medical analyses using AI
Serina Pinar, Can Pinar, Christoph Zimmermann and their team are developing a modular software platform that uses cutting-edge machine-learning methods and algorithms to facilitate the fully automated evaluation of medical data. Through their Tübingen-based start-up, Cytolytics, they aim to supply a solution that is suitable for everyday lab use and can efficiently analyse the overwhelming volumes of data that state-of-the-art medical devices generate. The first software module is starting with fully automated data analysis for flow cytometry, a routine diagnostic technique that is used in immunology, haematology, infectiology, oncology and other areas.
Winners of the 2021 Science2Start ideas competition: Third place for Cytolytics – automated medical analyses using AI Dr. Christian Lindemann from Voelker & Partner congratulates Can Pinar, Serina Pinar and Christoph Zimmermann. Dr. Klaus Eichenberg and Nina Zabel (BioRegio STERN) present the award (from left).
/ Copyright: Michael Latz/BioRegio STERNPress contact:
BioRegio STERN Management GmbH
Dr. Klaus Eichenberg
Friedrichstraße 10
70174 Stuttgart
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BioRegio STERN Management GmbH