Interuniversitäres Zentrum für Medizinische Technologie IZST

Interuniversitäres Zentrum für Medizinische Technologie IZST

The IZST is a consortium made up of a variety of institutes at the Universities of Stuttgart and Tübingen as well as industry partners that are active in research in the area of biomedical technologies

The goal of the IZST is to initiate and promote collaborative research in the field of biomedical technologies between the Universities of Tübingen and Stuttgart in cooperation with medical technology companies. The IZST thus provides the ideal research environment for the joint degree program in Medical Technologies. IZST partners teach into the degree program and also supervise student research theses, while medtech students find an attractive array of potential research projects.

Category Institutes
Working areas Medicine, Technology, Research
Year of foundation



A urologist who looks his patients straight in the eye

BioGraphy: (Stuttgart/Tübingen) – Prof. Arnulf Stenzl was the Medical Director of the Department of Urology at the University of Tübingen for 21 years. In specialist circles, this…


Will operations also be performed from home in the future?

(Stuttgart/Tübingen) – The “Incisions and insights” programme continued at the end of January 2023, with the focus on “Digitalisation, fusion, and AI in surgery”. The online event…